Agile and Adaptive DevelopmentAgile and Adaptive Development
---Adoption of new technologies, expansion of organizations and increase in data usage is driving a new era of applications in the IT World. With Mobile and Social playing a huge role, data is piling up, and in turn changing the way that an organization interacts with its customers, employees and stakeholders. Standard approaches to application development and management will no longer suffice in this dynamic world; agile and innovative solutions are required at lower costs and high output levels. Our team of experts has years of experience and industry know-how to help you achieve what your business needs.
ShvinTech Application Services Team specializes in various aspects of an application’s life cycle spanning Development, Support and Maintenance, Testing and Quality Assurance, and Modernization of Applications. We have experience in developing custom applications across a myriad of platforms.
Irrespective of what platform or technology or industry we are developing an application for, we always make sure the following aspects are covered as well as use sound architecture with a layered approach for system design and development.
- Context (What is the application all about?)
- Functional Overview (What is the application expected to do?)
- Nonfunctional Overview (Are there any significant non-functional requirements to cover?)
- Constraints (Are there any significant constraints?)
- Principles (What design and development principles should we adopt?)
- Architecture (How is the system to be structured?)
- External Interfaces ( What are the external systems interface application would interact with?)
- Code (Are there any key implementation details that need to be explained?)
- Data Model (How does the data model look-alike and where it will be stored?)
- Infrastructure (What does the target deployment environment look like?)
- Deployment (What is the mapping between software components between infrastructure?)
- Operate & Maintain ( How and who will operate and support the application?)
We use the Layered Architecture pattern promotes the concept of separation of concerns where code of similar responsibilities are being factored into layers. It is purely a logical design but it can be combined with physical design patterns such as the N-tier architecture to deliver highly scalable and impressive distributed enterprise applications.
Technical ExpertiseTechnical Expertise
Front End Design
Server Side dev
Microsoft Tech StackMicrosoft Tech Stack
Code- Service Layer
Code Quality, CI, CD, CM, BUG Tracking
Code UI Layer
Code-DB Layer
Requirement, Planning & Dev Environment